Insecurity: Kaduna Governor visits Niger counterpart, commends Military

Abdul Mohammed Isa, Niger State

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Kaduna State Governor, North-Western Nigeria, Mallam Nasir El-Rufa’i has commended the efforts of the Nigerian armed forces and other security agencies for the foresight in curbing armed banditry and other security threats bedevilling parts of the country.

The Governor who stated this during a visit to the Governor of Niger State, in North-Central Nigeria, Abubakar Sani Bello on Tuesday in Minna the State capital, further tasked the country’s newly appointed Service Chiefs on the need to utilize plans and recommendations by their predecessors in attaining lasting solution to insecurity in the affected areas.

“The new Service Chiefs need to build on the existing foundations and do better. Whenever you have new people, they come with renewed vigour and the focus to make a difference. So, we hope that things will be even better,” El-Rufa’i said.

The Kaduna State Governor, who further commended the efforts of the former Service Chiefs, lamented the nature of criticism by onlookers on the activities of the security Chiefs in the effort at maintaining peace in the country.

“Those of us that deal with them directly, those of us that have to call them at 1:00 am to say that there are bandits in this area and a plane takes-off in fifteen minutes to go to that area, know that they worked very hard and they were not sleeping” El-Rufa’i added.

Also Read: Niger State to deploy technology in fighting banditry

Governor El-Rufa’i also stated that both Kaduna and Niger state have been collaborating closely with each other in finding a lasting solution to the insecurity bedevilling both states. He noted that the problem of insurgency and banditry have been around for a while, and they were able to present what they felt was the solution to the problem of insurgency and banditry in their respective states.

“Fighting these bandits has remained a serious challenge to us. But I want to commend Governor Sani Bello and his team for the close collaboration enjoyed with Kaduna State. I think if we have similar collaboration with other states, maybe things would have been better.” El-Rufa’i said.

Kaduna State Governor, Mallam Nasir El-Rufa’i (R) and his Niger State counterpart, Abubakar Sani Bello

The Governor, however, expressed confidence that banditry and other high-level criminal tendencies will soon come to an end with the renewed, sustained efforts by the security agencies in the affected states.

While acknowledging the role of informants in the unsuccessful attempt to completely eliminate the bandits, Mallam El’rufa’i enjoined religious, traditional and community leaders to always preach against the activities of these informants as well as the need for people to share intelligence discreetly with the government about their activities in the affected areas.

“I think this is where our National and State Legislators, Local Government Chairmen and Councillors, traditional and community leaders, who are closer to the people, can be of great help to the security architecture if they discreetly share intelligence with the government.” Said El’Rufa’i.

The Governor of Niger State, Abubakar Sani Bello, gave assurances that the government will not rest on it oars at ensuring that the fight against banditry is brought to an end in the region and other parts of Nigeria.


Zainab Sa’id

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