
Japan Earmarks $4.4m to rehabilitate Heath Centres In Adamawa State

By Golfa Francis, Yola


The Japanese government has allocated $4,490,000,00 US dollars for the renovation of health centres in Adamawa State, North East Nigeria.

READ ALSO: Experts seek increased investment, digitization of primary healthcare centers

Chief of Mission IOM, Laurent De Boeck, made the disclosure, during the inauguration of the project, at the American University of Nigeria (AUN) Yola, the State Capital.

The grant which was made available by the Japan International Cooperation Agency JICA will be used to rehabilitate nine primary health facilities in eight local government areas of the state.

De Boeck stated that, “Over 150,000 residents would benefit from the rehabilitated facilities, 80 persons with disabilities would benefit from referrals and specialized assistance to 1,350 beneficiaries would also benefit from cash-for-work.”

He also noted that 216 health care professionals would received capacity building training as part of the probjects in Maiha, Michika, Song, Mubi-North, Mubi-South, Hong, Lanurde and Gombi LGAs of the state.

The Chief of Mission further said, “For any country facing conflict and displacement, fostering peaceful coexistence and an inclusive environment is crucial.

“Encouraging the return and resettlement of IDPs along with ensuring access to qualify health care is a vital part of this effort,” he stated.

According to him, the support would strengthened the capacities of governments in the six conflict affected states in the North-East.

Earlier, Governor Ahmadu Fintiri said the project was aligned in complementing government decision to close IDP camps across the state.

Fintiri assured that government was leveragimg on the Japanese experience in building a world class 21st century economy through use of of ICT in schools, deployment of digital health technologies and entrepreneurship development.

The governor said, “The project aimed at addressing health related issues among other needs of the internally displaced persons, returnees and host communities.”

He expressed government commitment to explore all opportunities of establishing technical and development cooperation with such developmental partners to address the health and other needs of people.


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