Musings of a Grateful Nigerian

By Chijioke Nwankwo, PhD.

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Though I took a break from social media because I am convinced it has outlived its usefulness. But the break has to be called off solely to convey my gratitude to @MBuhari as he concludes his 2nd term in office since I don’t have another platform to do so.


And so, Mr President @MBuhari I sincerely extend my gratitude to you, for your sincere leadership which has seen Nigeria make giant strides on many fronts. No doubt, many who supported you pre-2015 withdrew their support along the line for various reasons.


There were those who expected quick fixes, so were others who didn’t understand the magnitude of the mess we were in before you took over, and lastly, there were those who lacked the wisdom to understand that it takes longer time to rebuild than to destroy.


Some of us stood firm, not because we were a 30k/month crew, as alleged nor were we benefitting a larger share of your good policies than other Nigerians, it was because we saw in you, true sincerity and commitment to repositioning the country, despite the quantum challenges.


I must also commend those fellow Igbos who gave their support from the inception of your office and perpetuated the support till this moment, not because of any personal gain, but out of the conviction of your sincerity to reposition the country.


We’re the outstanding heroes of all your supporters, given that we came from a zone where, at the time, it was seen as a taboo and sacrilege to support you. But my gratitude is that you made us proud after all.


We could hold our shoulders high and point at your numerous achievements, which is in sharp contrast to what we had in the unfortunate 16 years that predate your tenure.


Those who squandered the 16 years tried to cajole us to believe they were better. When they saw their message was not yielding fruit, they unleashed; IPOB, yoruba nation, Endsars Fake news, and religious and ethnic opposition, all to make your government appear worse than their pitiful regime.


Thankfully, as they were dancing naked shamelessly with those things, you were responding with the Completion of the 2nd Niger bridge; Lagos-Ibadan expressway; Lagos-Ibadan rail line; retrieving of Ajaokuta Steel Industry from the Russians; Mambila Power Plant; National School Feeding Programme; Federal Airports; Bail-out for 27 states that went as low as not being able to pay salaries under their watch; 16 constitutional amendments; Cleaning Ogoni oil spill; rebuilding our foreign reserves; improving agriculture such that majority of Nigerians no longer remember foreign rice; improving ease of doing business which helped to berth Dangote refinery and other private investments; Petroleum Industry Act; equipping of all shades of our security architecture, which has made it possible that you will be handing over a better secured Nigeria than the one you took over in 2015.

Space will not allow us to mention all.


Mr President, posterity will be very kind to you.


No doubt, children born in 1999 who are already 24 years today, will not understand what we as a nation went through in the hands of those who are presently saying they are the ones that can fix the country and that they want to take back the country.


That’s why when they split into; G5, obidients, red cap chiefs(Kwankwasiya) and the later day saints(Atikulooters), we saw it as a divine providence to save Nigeria from them, hence, it was obvious that God needed us to consolidate on the gains of your administration.


Mr president, posterity will be very kind to you.


I want to advise; if tomorrow is judgment day and the Lord asks you why he should grant you eternal life, show him Nigeria where Boko haram seized some local governments and instituted their own government; show him how they were bombing churches and mosques, in Abuja and different states, such that before one enters public places, he or she must queue for a search; show him how the Niger-Delta avengers took control of the mainstay of our economy immediately you came in; show him that you took control of a country when 27 out of 36 states could not pay salaries, yet, you quenched all these problems and made these commendable achievements.


And above all, tell him that you never discussed bribes with anyone throughout your tenure. Mr President, the last one, which borders on corruption, is the major issue that endeared me so much to you. Even your worst enemy will never accuse or prove that you ever discussed bribes with anyone despite all the power you wielded, which put the entire country’s resources at your disposal.


Posterity will judge you kindly. I am happy I existed in your time. Judging how the accumulation of wealth has made even the most expected holy ones derail and how you dammed the consequences and remained content in what fate gave you.


I have instructed my children that if they ever say my story while I am still alive, or after I have joined my ancestors, they must say I lived in your time.


Thank you Muhammadu Buhari (@MBuhari)


Dominica Nwabufo



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