Niger State: Governor Enjoins Muslim To Reflect On Virtues Of Eid-ul-Adha

By Abubakar Hassan, Minna


Niger State Governor, Mohammed Umaru Bago has called on Muslims to reflect on the great lessons of celebrating Eid-ul-Adha, the festival of sacrifice.

The  Governor, in his message through his Chief Press Secretary, Bologi Ibrahim, underscored the significance of  Eid to Muslims and called on them to imbibe the virtues of love, obedience, and sacrifice as exemplified by Prophet Ibrahim (A. S).

He also urged the Muslim faithful to use the occasion to foster harmonious co-existence, strengthen their devotion and remain resolute to the will of Allah.

Bago also congratulated the Muslims world over for the Eid-El-Kabir celebration and prayed to Allah to accept their prayers, and sacrifices, and accompany their daily lawful businesses with limitless blessings. 

While also praying for improved security and peace in the state in particular and Nigeria in general, Governor Umaru Bago urged the residents of the State to continue to show understanding and support his administration.

He reaffirmed his administration’s unwavering commitment to building a New Niger, hinged on peace, unity, economic prosperity, growth, and development for the greater good of the people.

The Governor also wished all Nigerlites on Pilgrimage a successful exercise and urged them to pray for peace, unity, and development of the State as well as be good ambassadors of the state while in the holy land. 


Lantana Nasir

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