One Year in office: Niger State Governor Commended for Pioneering Humanitarian Efforts

By Abubakar Hassan, Minna



Governor Umar Muhammad Bago has been commended for his instrumental role in the remarkable success of the newly established Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs. The Ministry, led by its commissioner Mr Ahmed Baba Suleiman, has achieved significant milestones since its inception, focusing on the well-being and development of the state’s populace.

In an exclusive interview with Voice of Nigeria (VON), the commissioner highlighted the Governor’s unwavering commitment to the people of Niger State. “Governor Bago has prioritised development and welfare initiatives that benefit all citizens,” he said.

One of the key achievements under Governor Bago’s leadership has been the effective distribution of palliatives across the state. This initiative is part of the government’s efforts to mitigate the impact of the federal government’s subsidy removal. The Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs has successfully distributed relief materials to all the 25 local government areas in Niger State, ensuring that the motive reaches those most in need.

“We are grateful for the Governor’s kindness and dedication. The people of Niger are appreciative of his efforts,” the commissioner noted. The state government is committed to continuing these relief efforts, with plans for further distributions to support the citizens through challenging times.

 On the issue of Collaboration with federal agencies such as the Refugees Commission and the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) has been pivotal in amplifying these efforts. The commissioner revealed that federal support has already been extended to the state, with additional plans to establish skills acquisition programs for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in North Central as well as building refugee camps in the most affected internally displaced persons. These programmes aimed at equipping the IDPs with the necessary tools and skills to rebuild their lives.

 “The Refugees Commission is set to visit all IDP camps in the region to provide skill acquisition training and subsequently supply the equipment needed for these individuals to start anew,” the commissioner explained.

Furthermore, the state government, in collaboration with the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs, is actively engaging in sensitization campaigns, particularly in flood-prone areas. Residents are urged to take necessary precautions to avoid flood-related incidents.

The commissioner, therefore, called on the people of Niger State to continue supporting the government’s efforts assuring them that Governor Umar Muhammad Bago’s administration is deeply committed to the progress and prosperity of the state, vowing to sustain the provision of essential support and services to all citizens.


Dominica Nwabufo

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