Plateau State Governor Appoints Five Permanent Secretaries

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The Governor of Plateau State, the Governor of Plateau State, Caleb Mutfwang has appointed five new permanent secretaries.

This comes barely two weeks after nullifying the appointment of permanent secretaries made by his predecessor, Simon Lalong.

The Governor said this on Tuesday in a statement signed by his Director of Press and Public Affairs, Gyang Bere.

The statement read in part, “In furtherance to his determination to reinvigorate the state’s civil service for better service delivery, the Executive Governor of of Plateau State, His Excellency, Barr. Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang, has approved the appointment of new Permanent Secretaries.

“They are to fill some existing vacancies in the State Civil Service.”

According to the statement, the new permanent secretaries are Helen Chundusu, Roseline Dakwar, Joel Tahvan, Nanman Kparbong and Aishatu Saleh.

It said; “The newly appointed Permanent Secretaries will be sworn in by the Executive Governor on Wednesday at 11:00am, local time.

“All invited dignitaries are to be seated by 10:30am.”



NP/ Mercy Chukwudiebere

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