Senegalese “Africa 7” Koranic live radio station gains popularity

Hauwa Mustapha

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Mamadou Mustafa Fall, is the host of the program “Miracles of the Ummah,” broadcasted weekly on the radio station “Africa 7” in

Senegal, and brings together young people from all over the country.

Sometimes two or three guests participate in the program, which is broadcasted live on Africa 7 television every Friday.

Young Hafiz (Muslims who have learned the Koran by heart) from all over Senegal tell stories of how they started teaching the Koran, and also offer its recitation to the audience.

Mustafa Fall is on a mission to spread the word of the Korqn to the wider Senegalese population. “Our goal is to make everyone love the Koran, but especially those who have no background in the Koran or even those who don’t listen to it. For this reason, we attach great importance to tajwid (elocution) and choose hafiz with beautiful voices. Sometimes I can’t help but cry. Those who watch the program on television can see that I have such intense emotions. God’s word goes straight to the heart,” he said.

However, although they are an inspiration to the younger generation, when young hafizes (woman who have learned the Koran by heart) also participates in the program, it has not been without controversy over their position in Islam. In his response, the host of the program says, “The religious authorities know better about this issue, of course, but now we listen to the hafiz women in many countries, they participate in contests and programs. There are many people who are influenced by our women memorizers and decide to study the Quran. Women should show how they live Islam. “

Defending women’s position in Islam, fall argues that “Women should go out and show the model of Islam. The first person to embrace Islam was a woman. The first person to die for Islam was a woman. There are many surahs for women in the Koran, so why leave women at home? They are educators, we should let them teach, and let them prove that the model of Islam is not an archaic model.”

With its presence on social media, Fall says they have received very positive feedback with over 750,000 video views on TikTok, an application that is widely used by the younger generation.

He uploaded sections of the program to his open account on the TikTok app, and was surprised by the interest it had on young people. “When I opened the Tik TOK account I didn’t think it would be so popular. But I have over 77,000 subscribers in just 4-5 months,” he said.

Noting that all the comments on the posts were positive, fall said, “I haven’t received any negative comments. I read them all one by one. I will never forget one of our young girls who wrote that she started learning to read the Quran because of these videos. There are many people who wrote, ‘If I have a child, I want him or her to be a hafiz.” he said.

Fall’s program was only initiated about two years ago, and is now one of the most listened to productions in Senegal.



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