Stakeholders commend Nigeria’s Successful Implementation of UNDP-GEF-IAP-RSF

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Ene Okwanihe, Abuja

Stakeholders and participants in the United Nations Development Programme/Global Environmental Facility (UNDP-GEF), Fostering Sustainability and Resilience for Food Security in the Savannah zones of Northern Nigeria (RFS) (UNDP-GEF-IAP-RSF) project has commended Nigeria’s effort and commitment to the successful implementation of the project.

The participants gave the commendation at the close out ceremony of the project in Abuja Nigeria’s capital city.

While reeling out the achievements of the project, the project manager Miss Rhoda Dia said the project performed exceedingly well as they were able to impact the various communities.

“We were able to train 350 Extension workers and lead farmers on climate smart agriculture and nutrition, 140 treadle pumps procured for 70 communities for farmers to boost irrigation, farmers were thought how to make organic manure and compost to improve soil fertility”

“we deploy the use of AFLASAFE to reduce and control AFLATOXINS in groundnut and maize, also 125 hectares of demonstration plots were allocated and developed for climate resilience Agriculture for over 15, 000 farmers while media and communication professionals from the seven complementing were also trained” She added

Ms. Dia noted the project completed the construction of Agricultural centers in Nasarawa, Benue, Gombe and Kano states while that of Jigawa was still under construction.

According to Ms. Dia, equipment such as Rice Transplanters, Rice milling machines, Groundnut harvesters and lifters, Groundnut oil expelled Cassava slicing machines, Cassava sieving machines amongst others were installed in the Agricultural centers.

On sustainability, she said the project is already sustaining itself as beneficiary farmers were putting into practice what they were thought and the results are also visible with testimonies of income turn around.

On renewal of the project she said it’s hoped that the GEF Secretary would be impressed with Nigeria’s success and renew it.

The GEF Focal Officer Mr. Daniel Gbenga in his remark on the success of the UNDP-GEF-IAP-RSF said the project impacted women in the implementing communities as they are better off financially.

Mr. Gbenga stated that the women were thought in the languages they understood and it impressive seeing them put what they thought to use.

He appreciated UNDP-GEF-IAP-RSF for the support to the farmers.

“I want to UNDP, GEF and everybody that have done well in this project and I want to promise that as long as it’s possible we will not allow the project to die”

Speaking on behalf of the participating Agriculture Development Project (ADPs) officers Mr. Alanana Emmanuel from Nasarawa said extension workers played a vital role in the success of the project.

He noted that extension workers were able to take the project to the farmers break it down to them for proper implementation.

Mr. Emmanuel said with success of the project they hope more of such would come as they believe Nigeria would get a second phase of the project.




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