United Nations calls for collaborations to foster peace, prosperity

Mnena Iyorkegh, Abuja

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The United Nations Resident Coordinator in Nigeria, Mr Matthias Schmale, has called for stronger commitment and collaboration from all partners of the Cooperation Framework to foster peace and prosperity for Nigerians as well as create a positive change in their lives.

The call was made at the signing of a Cooperation Frame Work between the United Nations and the Nigerian government, towards achieving the development aspirations and economic growth of the country and global goal, in Abuja the nation’s capital.

The framework is a structure around the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) thematic area of prosperity, plant, people and peace.

The UN Resident Coordinator in Nigeria, Mr Matthias Schmale, explained that the Cooperation Framework comprises of one vision and four priority areas to which the UN and its agencies working in the country would contribute by working together adding that the partnership is critical to cross-cutting areas for national development.

“As it stands, we all need to accelerate our current efforts because Nigeria is not on track to achieve the 2030 Agenda. After the disruptions and difficulties caused by COVID-19 and war in Ukraine, we need to quickly begin implementing the new Cooperation Framework. Our vision of development is one which leaves no one behind. This is our promise to the most vulnerable in Nigerian society like women, girls, youths, and persons with disabilities – we will endeavour to reach the most marginalized first and support inclusive rights-based development. The SG noted that our organization’s original purpose was peace and that we need to get back to basics. I agree. One of the best ways to help the most vulnerable here will be to focus on the Framework’s Peace pillar. By addressing the conflicts in the North-East and elsewhere, we can build a solid foundation on which Nigerians can flourish. Although a difficult path lies ahead, let us take inspiration from Nelson Mandela who declared that “it always seems impossible, until it’s done”. Together we can move the needle and create catalytic change in the lives of Nigerians.  I thank all those who contributed to the Cooperation Framework. After today’s signing ceremony, the next task arises – to deliver peace and prosperity for the people of Nigeria”.

The UN Resident Coordinator stressed the need for all to take responsibility in the implementation of what has been proposed so that no one is left behind. He further reinstates the UN’s continues commitment towards Nigeria’s development.

“We renew between government and the UN Family our commitment to working together over the five years, the commitment to identify the key challenges the county faces such as the many people out of work, many children out of school, the many people living below poverty line. We recommitted to each other to work with each to overcome this challenges and create a better future for the citizens of the country. Is going to be challenging, but I’m encouraged that the senior Leaders of Government say let’s address the difficult and sensitive issues. We know that, not all the resources in this country go to where they should be going, and so we will do our best to work with those in government who see this as a problem. But putting this differently is about money, resources at the end of the day needs to flow to where is right. And part of that we will continue to work to push forward the priority investment in to basic services like education and health”.  He said.

Nigeria’s Minister of State for Budget and National Planning, Mr Clem Agba, explained that the Framework aligns with Nigeria’s National Development Plan.

“The United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework is a strategic framework that will assist Nigeria in addressing developmental and humanitarian challenges, leveraging on UN leadership, comparative advantages and capacity assessment.  As you may be aware, we are currently in the fifth and final year of the current United Nations Sustainable Development Partnership Framework and with 2023 on the near horizon, it is time to look to the next stage of our development journey. It is heartwarming to note the extensive collaboration in the development of the framework with valuable inputs from our Ministries, Agencies and Departments, as well as UN Agencies, Academia, Civil Society, the Private Sector, and other key stakeholders. The avowed mantra of the United Nations to “leave no one behind” is in tandem with the objective of President Muhammadu Buhari’s vision to lift hundred million Nigerians out of poverty. The Cooperation Framework, which is guided by the overarching principles of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals and the African Charter 2063, aligns with Nigeria’s National Development Plan (NDP) 2021-2025. The National Development Plan aims to support Government to accelerate economic growth and achieve the goals and aspirations of the African Union, guided by the overarching principles of the UN Agenda 2030”. Mr. Agba said.

Mr Agba, also urged all members of the Steering Committee to remain committed towards achieving National development.

“It is worthy to note that measures have been put in place for tracking of results and ensuring that this new Cooperation Framework achieves its desired outcomes. Following the recent presentation of the Ministry’s Monitoring and Evaluation tool, the Eyemark to the UN and its Agencies, it is expected that effective tracking of projects and programmes will be achieved and citizens well informed. I wish to thank the United Nations System for their continuous support towards the implementation of this l important strategic Document for the advancement of our country’s economic growth and development. I implore the members of the Steering Committee which we are to inaugurate today, to be committed and dedicated as we take this first step towards achieving the development aspirations of the Nigerian people and global goal”.

The Cooperation Framework is a five-year blueprint towards meeting the 2030 Agenda and its SDGs, but more fundamentally, it is a commitment by the Government and UN to deliver for the people of Nigeria





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