US-based Media, Film Network Receives Entries From 11 Nigerian Filmmakers

Rebecca Mu’azu, Gombe



An international network of storytellers and film producers, Empower Women Media USA has received short films  from 11 Nigerian Fellows, who have just completed the 2024 Freedom of Religion or Belief, FoRB, Media fellowship for Nigerian Filmmakers.

The participants were invited to enter the 2024 Religious Freedom Short Film Competition Tagged: “2024 Nigeria FoRB Film Competition”.

The initiative is designed to promote the principles of freedom of religion or belief as articulated in Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Section 38 of the Nigerian Constitution, both of which affirm the right of individuals to practice and choose their religion freely.

The fellowship shortlisted 30 Nigerian professionals in the film production and media industry, who underwent rigorous online training in media and film production in May this year in Abuja.

They were also introduced to the fundamental concepts of FoRB, and equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to advocate for these freedoms through their creative work.

The Empower Women Media CEO, Shirin Taber, announced with enthusiasm that

Congratulations! We collected 11 films from our Nigerian media fellows and FoRB network. We are very excited to share the films with our expert judges and announce the results later in July,” said Taber.

The competition promises substantial rewards for the top entries, with the best film to receive a cash prize of 3 thousand dollars, while the second-place winner will be awarded 1,500 dollars, and the third-place winner will receive 500 dollars.

It is expected that expert judges will evaluate the films and submit their rankings in early July, with the results to be shared publicly by mid-July.

In addition to the competition, Empower Women Media plans to promote the fellows’ work by creating a sizzle reel of the films, which will be showcased during the FoRB Film Festival at the end of July and in the fall.

The winning films will also be uploaded to Empower Women Media’s YouTube channel and website, pledging its commitment to empowering women and advocating for human rights through media and storytelling.

Overall, the programmes and initiatives are expected to foster a more inclusive and tolerant world by amplifying diverse voices and narratives.




Victoria Ibanga


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