Adamawa State Begins Urban Renewal Projects

By Golfa Francis, Yola



The Adamawa State Governor, Ahmadu Fintiri has commenced the groundbreaking for the 7-Span Overhead Bridge at the Yola–A. A. Lawan Junction and the Half Cloverleaf Interchange at Yola-Numan Road, demonstrating his dedication to the urban renewal campaign.

These two projects hold strategic importance in completing the superhighway initiated by Governor Ahmadu Fintiri last October.


Governor Fintiri said; “The design of the projects is a masterpiece that would add not only municipal ecstatic to the city but provide the necessary convenience to commuters plying the road.

Taken together, these projects once completed would open up an entirely new settlement in the capital and perhaps birth a new Yola with convenient residency.”


The projects passed through a community that houses the 1000 Housing Estate which is the largest Housing estate ever embarked upon by any administration in the history of Adamawa State.

It would also be the second suitable route into Yola.

The Governor said; ”With Yola experiencing rapid expansion and attracting new residents daily, the strain on limited urban facilities is growing, alongside anticipated investments in the metropolis. We must prepare to address future challenges head-on.

“Our vision is to transform Adamawa state into a mega capital city with comprehensive municipal infrastructure, where residents choose their settlement based on factors beyond just infrastructure availability.”

This groundbreaking signifies our commitment to realising that vision. Some question why we invest heavily in Yola, even politicising it. But development transcends politics. Yola is our state capital, a source of pride for all Adamawa citizens. We must collectively nurture and develop it. Anyone suggesting otherwise must have a passive view.

“In the next 12 months, the Yola-Numan Road will be commissioned, marking a significant milestone,” the Governor explained.

Governor Fintiri further laid the groundwork for the Construction of Federal Housing Estate Road Network in Bajabure, Girei Local Government. This 18.3km road network will serve the estate and its surroundings.




Mercy Chukwudiebere

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