
ICSS, LASU Partner for National Security Summit

Imelda Nwajei, Lagos


The Institute of Criminology and Strategic Studies (ICSS) has announced a collaboration with Lagos State University (LASU) to host a one-day summit aimed at recognising distinguished citizens and enhancing community policing strategies.

The announcement was made by the Registrar-General of ICSS, Dr. Adekunle Aderemi, during a briefing in his office. The theme of the summit is “National Security Agenda: Community Engagement, Law Enforcement, and Technology.”

Dr. Aderemi disclosed that the 2024 Democracy Day Edition of the Annual National Security Summit will take place on Wednesday, June 12, 2024, at the Faculty of Education Hall, LASU, Ojo, Lagos State.

Dr Adekunle Aderemi

The event is designed to deliver significant benefits to attendees, including insights into community policing, law and technology integration, networking opportunities, summit certification, and potential membership in the institute.

The summit will feature a diverse lineup of attendees, including law enforcement agents, military personnel, Nigeria Police Force representatives, paramilitary agencies, academics, diplomats, security experts, community associations, civil society organizations, youth, students, traditional leaders, NGOs, religious leaders, and other stakeholders.

Highlights of the event will include panel sessions, presentations of innovative technologies and solutions, and a special investiture ceremony for distinguished citizens.

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Dr. Aderemi emphasised that the summit will be accessible both physically and virtually through the institute’s social media platforms. Interested participants are required to register online via

The ICSS expressed its gratitude to security personnel nationwide for their dedication and sacrifices in maintaining peace and security.

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